Sunday, September 16, 2007

Loooong Pork Leg on BBQ

...Okay...note to self...."self"....check weight of propane tank BEFORE doing a loooong BBQ.

Carol, my wife, found a good buy in the grocery store of a nice cut of a pork leg....or below "butt" on rear leg. I did my normal rub on it at 2am last nite....(okay reasoning is I got called out to work at midnite...I am on call 24/7/365...woo hoo). Come on...I don't like "Q" THAT much...sheesh!

Anyways this thing was probably 6 lbs so I started at 1pm thinking it would be done by 5 or 6....WRONG!! At 5:30 about I checked and the temp was not getting above 145.....pfft...then noticed no more flame. (knocked self on forehead). I quickly fired up the oven to 400 and got it up to 160 by 7pm. All that wait was alright with was very very tender...and a great taste....nothing to outstanding....(just the ginger for the wife...okay honey....I will cut back on that next round). In addition to the rub I injected it with some white wine, apple juice, salt and sugar before I put it on. Dropped in a drip tray underneath on the BBQ with more wine and apple juice mixed off with water. Kids loved it and wife loved I am happy. The wait was worth it.

Now to get that propane bottle refilled tomorrow....grrrr.

ps..sorry about the left over pic....this was taken after we had devoured the other 3/4 of it.

1 comment:

VM said...

There is this most amazing thing... maybe you've heard of it out on the flatlands? Natural gas. Never run out in the middle of cooking a meal; line doesn't freeze up in the winter; and there is no tank to re-certify every 5 years.

You Rider fans, always doing things the hard way.