Saturday, May 30, 2009

Maple Smoke Bacon

Our family Dad...has always bought his own bacon slabs, put them to cure and smoked them in his Smokehouse. I have never had any bacon as good as our family recipie has being. Never changed over the years and always consistent. wife and I bought a half a pig cut and wrapped from our local Felligers Butcher shop. Always good products from them...always friendly service. Well we got a slab of bacon cut up into 8' chunks about. What to do with raw bacon....hmmmm....Dad's walkin Smonkehouse is over 3hrs away!!

Well...I put it to cure for 5 days in the basic cure that my Dad used except....I added Brown Sugar. Finally today is the day to smoke it. A visit to the local Peavey Mart got me a bag of Maple wood chips. I made up 4 smoke pouches and did an offset smoke session for 4hrs on my Vermont Castings Grill.

No I did not fry any bacon up yet...but my daughter and I cut a few slices off the top and we both loved the flavour. I am anxious for tomorrows Breakfast to see how it tastes.

Big Flavour...Simple Grilling

On the plate tonight was...

- Lemon Pepper rubbed Drumsticks
- Lemon Pepper Asparagus
- Pan Fried Prawns with "ClubHouse" Roasted Garlic and Peppers

The Drumsticks went in the fridge overnite...a very nice zing to them...not a ton of lemon flavour. Next time maybe squeeze a lemon into butter and baste them. Love the zing though off them...did I say that already?

Asparagus will always be good on the grill in the pan or steamed. My daughter does not like the "burned" bits on them from the do you tell a 11yr old thats "Flavour"?? Maybe I will invest in a vegetable grill pan....get the grill flavour and heat but no 'bits".

The wife did up her Prawns in a simple pan on the stove with butter. The Clubhouse seasoning is sure good on anything...chicken, fish, vegetable...

For those who think grilling fancy is putting actual cheddar cheese on their burger instead of the Kraft cheese slices....try to impress the girlfriends with a meal like I put on. In the long days of summer their is plenty of time to TRY NEW THINGS!!

Till next time....see you at the Grill!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Aftermath of Son's First Prepared Meal

As the below post indicates....our son did a nice Mothers Day present and made Taco Salad and Apple Crisp.

Well...I am still here typing so no food poisoning...actually the Taco Salad was a big hit and even his Sister Kallie liked

The Apple Crisp....a good job...but needs time less apples, more brown sugar...hehe...we needed more "syrup"...

Other wise....GOOD JOB SON....your hired....

It has being a while since I ventured into an "all sausage store" As some know my family does our own sausage from scratch a couple times of the year. This time however the wife and I were looking for some spices for the BBQ season....

On a recommendation from CJ Katz ( I was told I could find spices...and lots of them at JB's in Regina. Well...finally got to the place today and yes they have spices...lots. A very good variety of basic shelf spices; garlic powder, celery salt, different paprikas, etc. That is not all they have people.

As their name indicates they are a sausage making supply place. I was impressed to see a good variety (at decent prices I might add overall) of equipment and accessories AND a good selection of many different sausage mixes. Give them a Try if your in Regina.....

We bought the "Saskatchewan BBQ Spice and the basic Lemon Pepper Spice" both with JB's brand on them. As most say....the spice mix has to taste good if its going to any good on your meat. Well....both taste good out of the

Now will have to pay a visit to our local Fellinger's Butcher store to get a nice summer BBQ pack....that should last a couple of months....plenty of meat to try the new spices on.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day Supper by Our Son

Grade 8 and he is taking Home

Sooo....for Mothers day Jordan is making Taco Salad....and .....Apple Crisp. I helped him this afternoon so he would NOT cut his finger off.....

So to recap........On the menu....Sirloin BBQ Grilled steak with lemon pepper seasoning(by moi), Taco Salad & Apple Crisp. Not a bad Mothers day supper...what do you think?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Regina BBQ Championship.....2nd year

It's on again for all you stick burners.....charcoal nuts......

.....Western Canada "Pilo O' Bones" BBQ Championship.

Some will remember my post last year on the 1st year of this competition. Was held at Taylor Field. I encourage all my fellow AMATEUR grillers to clear the rust off your old charcoal grills...(sorry no gassers allowed) and enter. If you don't have one....just go an buy a cheapie Walmart one for $50 or something and practice a bit on it. Best if you gather a couple of your buddies or even husband and wife and HAVE FUN!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Another Rub.....

I have to write this down someplace....

- 1 cup brown sugar
- teaspoon each of the following paprika, celery salt, pepper, majarram(sp), hickory salt, cinnamon
- Table spoon of garlic powder and onion powder and a pinch of red pepper flakes.

I put two Pork roasts on the BBQ today and massaged the above spice rub on. Little EVOO to aid keeping the rub on. Straight onto the Grill offset heat.

Took them off after 5hrs and foiled them and held on the counter for 15 minutes. Temp was 165 approx. Thinly sliced for supper with some sides....turned out very good.

I think that rub is a keeper

Spring Cleaning of your Grills

Yes it here...spring....forget about that yard work your wife has being nagging you about.

Priorities grillmeister!! Start off the back yard parties right this year....ensure your grills are all tuned up and ready to go....

Ron Shrewchuk BBQ Secrets

I admit I do not know who Ron is but from what I read about him he enjoys BBQ and Grillin' like the rest of being a fellow Canadian....

For some informative readings.....check his blog out....or better yet run out a grab his book....I think I will too.

Unique BBQ's and Grills

Very unique grills on this site....some imagination people have.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I am one for ....flames a flarin'....charcoal taste....smellin the grease burn in the know FLAVOUR...!!!

Well we had Buffalo burgers for the first time today. Happened to pick up a package of beef burgers today at Sobeys...a lot "redder" than the rest....well turns out they were making some Buffalo burgers today and well the 'rookie packer' as the butcher said must have miss marked this package. Not a problem he said, just take it as bison to try....kewl.

Threw them on the BBQ with some salt and pepper and olive oil. Noticed obvious lack of juices rising to the top.....hmmmm...."flavour missing"?? (I put a couple of lean beef burgers on as well).

1st Impressions......Stacked mine with the regular condiments, fresh onion, etc. Tasted like a burger...looked like a burger....but to me missing something. Daughter and wife both said dry...but they ate theirs bun, condiments, etc. Hmmm...they were grilled to med rare. I guess certainly something that is aquired. I felt it did not take on much of a flavour. Just for a taste test I did up one regular beef burger and it was like day and nite. Nice charcoal taste...very tasty, moist, etc.

Will I have it again?? I think I will try a steak a little....burgers again....ummm...not so sure...unless adding in a cube of frozen claryfied seasoned butter in the middle...or some other extra seasoning or dressing into the burger. I know it is certainly a lot healthier for you ...low in fat...high in 3 and 6......but......I miss the smell of "flavour".....

ps...Thanks Vauner for the tip to try it....the stubble jumper in me still prefers good ole' beef...but I guess I gotta experiment on occasion

Saturday, March 7, 2009

"Florida Style" Lemon Pepper

Picked this up from a small butcher in Manitoba near Swan River. Was their getting a side of pork cut and wrapped.

They had a variety of spices in small bags along a shelf...took this one...and wow!!!

Have tried it on everything from pork chops, chicken, steamed made the pork chops when done on the BBQ taste like STEAK.

Anyone know where you can buy this stuff in Saskatchewan??? I think I might have to call them and have them put a couple pounds in the mail....if you find it buy it and try it...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Meat Grinder....New Addition.....or was....

Week or so ago my family traveled back to my homeland(NE Saskatchewan...) to finally make our Homemade Sausage out of that Deer I harvested from last fall.

Aside from the new stuffer I bought last year....'see lower post'...I took the chance to buy a basic meat grinder from Canadian Tire before I left. A Cuisinart Waring Pro...$129.99.

After grinding...or regrinding 20lbs of 70/30 pork and 30lbs of lean deer me when I say this unit works does. Not a speed demon by any means...and YES....when the instruction booklet says the frozen meat must be able to be pierced by a knife before putting it is telling the truth.

It did the job...nice easy...and especially love the ease of disassemble to clean the cutting head and housing. If your in the market for something for the odd it. Now if your looking to do a whole

My only concern is that when I went to pack up to go was no where to be found....hmmm....and mom did not say a word about it........never even said...."hey don't forget your grinder"......I hope you get good use out of it MOM!

Snow and Cold......How lonely is your Grill??

I look out the back deck at my Vermont Castings $$ grill.....tucked under the eave....snow gathered at its Stainless Steel frame....... I know its calling for me to warm it up.....but....

....I know its not just me....but I am looking forward to spring again....I am not one to do the -25degree BBQ'in....

...sorry might be nicer this weekend here in the 'Jaw....

Personal Chef Anyone? I have never met him in person....just online...but he is from SASKATCHEWAN!!

....will us stubble jumpers see him on FoodNetwork Canada soon????

Just to toss an idea out their for some of you BBQ guru's....looking for the "special something" for your wife on her birthday or Valentines day???

Put down that Bic lighter and bag o' charcoal.........she has proly had enough of your Texas BBQ.......

.....Hire a personal Chef ...... Chef Kevin Tetz